
You can configure a single webhook URL to be notified about events from Pier. All events go to the same URL and are distinguished by an event type and code. If you configure the webhook multiple times, the URL will be overwritten and all events will only be delivered to the most recently configured endpoint URL. In addition, deleting the webhook URL will clear it and no events will be delivered, even if the webhook was configured multiple times.

Setup webhook endpoint

Configuration Create Endpoint

Delete webhook endpoint

Configuration Delete Endpoint

Webhooks include a JWT in the pier-webhook-verification header. The JWT payload contains a sha256 signature for the webhook body in the request_body_sha256 field.

To ensure the payload is sourced from Pier:

  1. The JWT should be verified using a library for your stack and the Pier public key (see /configuration/webhook-verification). You should replace \n with newlines in the public key before using it (e.g. .replace(/\\n/g, "\n")).
  2. Extract the payload from the JWT.
  3. Extract the SHA256 signature from the JWT payload request_body_sha256 field.
  4. Compute the SHA256 signature of the webhook payload.
  5. Ensure that the computed SHA256 and the SHA256 from the JWT match.

Take care not to process the webhook body prior to computing the signature, otherwise you may get a false negative when comparing signatures.

Webhook Object

  • type: High-level webhook event type.
  • code: Detailed event type.
  • env: The Pier environment from which the event was sent (see above).
  • url: The url the webhook was sent to.
  • timestamp: The time at which the event occurred.
  • identifiers: Event-specific identity of the object acted upon in the event.
  • details: Event-specific supplemental details about the event.

More details about identifiers and details for each event can be found in the detailed documentation for each event type/code below.

Webhook payload example

2 "type": "payment",
3 "code": "transaction_failed",
4 "env": "sandbox",
5 "url": "https://example.com/webhook",
6 "timestamp": "2023-12-05T01:04:44+0000",
7 "identifiers": {
8 "statement_id": "sta_7b1b1f0d97554532a2681e4159ec2a8a",
9 "facility_id": "fac_b71c4524ac57467e982ce5414800c27f"
10 },
11 "details": {
12 "failure": {
13 "reason_code": "R01",
14 "description": "Insufficient Funds"
15 }
16 }

Webhook event types

At a high level, Pier events fall into three types as shown:

PaymentA payment event occurred
DisbursementA facility disbursement occurred
StatementA new account statement was generated

In addition to an event type, each event has a more detailed code as summarized in the table below. More detailed descriptions of each event code and the data returned are included in the following section.

Webhook codes

The following webhook codes provide more detail about the nature of the event:

  • transaction_succeeded
  • transaction_failed
  • transaction_initiated
  • statement_ready
  • autopay_scheduled
  • payment_due
  • payment_late_5_days
  • payment_late_10_days
  • payment_late_15_days
  • payment_late_30_days
  • payment_late_45_days
  • kyc_approved
  • kyc_declined


Certain event types also include identifiers for relevant Pier entities when appropriate:

Webhook typeIdentifiers
Disbursementfacility_id and disbursement_id
Paymentfacility_id and payment_id
Statementfacility_id and statement_id