List statements for a facility
List statements for a facility
Path parameters
The facility_id of the facility you want to list statements for
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
The id of the statement
The end date of the statement (YYYY-MM-DD)
The start date of the statement (YYYY-MM-DD)
The balance due at the time of statement creation, in cents
The principal balance of the statement, in cents
The interest balance of the statement, in cents
The interest balance of the statement, in cents
The due date of the statement (YYYY-MM-DD)
An array of transactions made (scoped to the period of the statement)
An array of payments made (scoped to the period of the statement)
An array of disbursements made (scoped to the period of the statement)
The url of the statement pdf
Timestamp the statement object is created on